
 Understanding Lewy Body Dementia

Understanding Lewy Body Dementia Actor Robin Williams, who was known for his quick humour and brilliance, , died  on the eleventh of August 2014 where he  was identified with Lewy Body Dementia and suffered from fear, disorientation, sleep deprivation bowel issues, and a loss of smell...

The Essential Information on Sleep Paralysis

The essential information on sleep paralysis Hanna arrived at our clinic in a state of mild fear. When asked, she revealed that she had been feeling fully aware for some time now but had been unable to move her body or speak, as though she were being held down by an invisible force. She ma...

Hyperhidrosis: A guide to understanding it

Hyperhidrosis: A guide to understanding it A few days ago, a well-built 25-year-old boy came to me for advice. He appeared perplexed and unconfident, as seen by his visible perspiration, which even seeped through his clothes when he was at ease. His complaints included prevalent skin infec...

Famedico: The Best Family Clinic in Trivandrum

Famedico: The Best Family Clinic in Trivandrum Famedico is aspiring to be one of the best family clinics in Trivandrum when it comes to finding the most excellent health care service for families, bringing comprehensive care to the needs of every member from child to the elderly. Amongst t...